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Exercises are a great way to get hands-on with the code. None of these are necessary, but if you would like to take the initiative, feel free to complete any or all of these exercises.

If you have questions or would like Cloud Posse to review your solution, please reach out!

0 Exercise: Add a component from Cloud Posse to your library

This exercise is intended to demonstrate how to pull an existing component that is already upstream and supported by Cloud Posse into your environment. For the sake of this exercise, let's create an SQS Queue component. This component is supported by Cloud Posse, find and deploy that component into your sandbox environment.

When this component is deployed, you should have a single new Spacelift stack (if you're using Spacelift) and have created a new SQS queue in your sandbox environment. This queue should be logically named following Cloud Posse naming standards, and that name should be easily retrievable with Terraform state.

0 Exercise: Create a new custom component not supported by Cloud Posse

This exercise is intended to practice creating a new component that is not supported by Cloud Posse. Cloud Posse does not currently have a component for a static website. For this exercise, use the cloudposse/cloudfront-s3-cdn/aws module to deploy a basic static website to your sandbox environment.

When this exercise is complete, you should have a new component, a new component catalog, and an import into sandbox. This component should follow Cloud Posse convention outlined above and be maintained with GitOps (if applicable).