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How to Scale Spacelift Runners


There are hundreds or thousands of proposed runs pending in Spacelift. Autoscaling will eventually scale up to handle capacity but want faster turnaround time.



If there are too many Spacelift runs triggered by PRs that do not require Spacelift to run at the moment. The user can add a label called spacelift-no-trigger on the PR to prevent Spacelift stacks from running on each commit. This label should be removed before the last commit (before approval and merge) so the Spacelift stacks can be validated.


To reduce Spacelift runs triggered by PRs, ensure that the spacelift component is using the latest upstream module or 0.46.0 at the very least. This release has an updated policy that cancels previous commit runs if a new commit is pushed.

Scaling EC2 Runners via Stack Configurations


While we always recommend making all changes to IaC via Pull Request, if the desire is to increase the size of the Auto Scale Group and there are hundreds or thousands of pending runs, then the Pull Request will suffer the same fate as the other runs and be blocked from execution until the other runs complete.

The parameters that affect scale up behavior are:

min_sizeThe minimum of the instances
max_sizeThe maximum number of instances
desired_capacityThe number of instances desired online all the time.
spacelift_agents_per_nodeThe number of Spacelift agents running per EC2 instance. Increase for greater density of agents per node.
cpu_utilization_high_threshold_percentPercent CPU utilization (integer between 0 and 100) required to trigger a scale up event
wait_for_capacity_timeoutBefore scaling further, wait for this many seconds for capacity requirements to be met.

The parameters that affect scale-down behavior are:

cpu_utilization_low_threshold_percentPercent CPU utilization (integer between 0 and 100) required to trigger a scale down event. The higher this number, the more likely the cluster will be scaled down because nodes are typically not very CPU intensive on average.

Here’s a sample spacelift-worker-pool configuration.

workspace_enabled: true
enabled: true
ecr_stage_name: artifacts
ecr_tenant_name: mgmt
ecr_environment_name: uw2
ecr_repo_name: infrastructure
ecr_region: us-west-2
ecr_account_id: "1234567890"
instance_type: "c5a.xlarge" # cost-effective x86 instance with 4vCPU, 8GB (see:
wait_for_capacity_timeout: "10m"
spacelift_agents_per_node: 2
min_size: 3
max_size: 50
desired_capacity: null
default_cooldown: 300
scale_down_cooldown_seconds: 2700
# Set a low scaling threshold to ensure new workers are launched as soon as the current one(s) are busy
cpu_utilization_high_threshold_percent: 10
cpu_utilization_low_threshold_percent: 5
health_check_type: EC2
health_check_grace_period: 300
- OldestLaunchConfiguration
ebs_optimized: true
- device_name: "/dev/xvda"
no_device: null
virtual_name: null
delete_on_termination: null
encrypted: false
iops: null
kms_key_id: null
snapshot_id: null
volume_size: 100
volume_type: "gp2"
- admin
strategy: Rolling
# The number of seconds until a newly launched instance is configured and ready to use
# Default behavior is to use the Auto Scaling Group's health check grace period
instance_warmup: null
# The amount of capacity in the Auto Scaling group that must remain healthy during an instance refresh to allow the operation to continue,
# as a percentage of the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group
min_healthy_percentage: 50
triggers: null

Scaling EC2 Runners Immediately (via AWS Console)

Scaling Up

  • Login to the AWS console for the automation account.

  • Find the autoscale group under the EC2 menu and increase the autoscaling group size.

Scaling Down


IMPORTANT Before scaling spacelift workers down, check the “Pending runs” and “busy workers” are both 0. In other words do not scale down when spacelift is busy. If the worker is terminated in the middle of a job, it will leave a stale terraform state lock and maybe broken state. Stack lock can be fixed using “terraform force-unlock“ as suggested in a command line prompt.

  • Login to the AWS console for the automation account.

  • Find the autoscale group under the EC2 menu decrease the autoscaling group size

Scaling EC2 Runners Immediately (via aws CLI)

Get the name of the ASG


# Get ASG name
ASG_NAME=$(aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \
--query 'AutoScalingGroups | [?contains(AutoScalingGroupName, `spacelift`)] | [0].AutoScalingGroupName' \
--output text)

# Set the max of the ASG
aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name $ASG_NAME --max-size 10

# Set the desired capacity of the ASG
aws autoscaling set-desired-capacity --auto-scaling-group-name $ASG_NAME --desired-capacity 10

k8s (Not Yet Supported)

Cloud Posse has not yet implemented Kubernetes Spacelift runners.