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Setting up ecspresso

This setup guide will help you get started with ecspresso. It features an example app, which demonstrates how your GitHub Actions work with your infrastructure repository.

1. Create a repository from the Example App templatecloudposse-examples/app-on-ecs
2. Update and reapply ecratmos terraform apply ecr -s core-use1-artifacts
3. Validate the environment configurationClick Ops
4. Create a GitHub PATClick Ops
5. Set all Example App repository secretsClick Ops
6. Deploy the example ECS servicesatmos workflow deploy/app-on-ecs -f app-on-ecs

We recommend moving all workflows with ecspresso and workflow prefixes to a shared workflow repository that can be used by the rest of your organization.

We do not recommend keeping all shared workflows in the same repository as in this example, because it defeats the reusability. We've included all workflows in the example app repositories to make it easier to follow along and document.

0 Create the Example App repository

Customer Requirement

This step requires access to the GitHub Organization. Customers will need to create this GitHub repository in Jumpstart engagements.

Cloud Posse deploys an example application with this new repository. This is separate from the infrastructure repository and can be used as reference for future applications. Cloud Posse also maintains a public example of this app repository with cloudposse/example-app-on-ecs. This is a GitHub repository template, meaning it can be used to create new repositories with predefined content.

  1. Create a new repository in your organization from the cloudposse/example-app-on-ecs template.
  2. Choose any name for the repository. For example, we might call this repo acme/example-app-on-ecs.
  3. Grant Cloud Posse admin access to this repository.
  4. If necessary, install the self-hosted runner GitHub App to this new repository.

0 Create Image and GitHub OIDC Access Roles for ECR

The Example App will build and push an image to the ECR registry. Create that image with the ecr component if not already created. The Example App GitHub Workflows will also need to be able to access that registry, and to do so, we deploy GitHub OIDC roles with the same ecr component.

Add the following snippet in addition to any other repositories or images already included in these lists:

- acme/example-app-on-ecs
# ECR must be all lowercase
- acme/example-app-on-ecs

Reapply the ecr component with the following:

atmos terraform apply ecr -s core-use1-artifacts

0 Configure the Environment

We use the cloudposse/github-action-interface-environment GitHub Composite Action to read environment configuration from a private location. By default, we use the infrastructure repository as that private location and save the configuration to .github/environments/ecspresso.yaml.

This action stores metadata about the environments we want to deploy to. It is the binding glue between our GHA, GitHub environments, and our infrastructure. When this action is called, an environment input is passed in. We then look up in the map below information about that environment, that information is stored as an output to be used by the rest of the GitHub actions.

GitHub Composite Actions

For more on GitHub Composite Actions, please see the official GitHub documentation.

Create or confirm the configuration in .github/environments/ecspresso.yaml in the acme/infra-acme repository now.

If the file doesn't exist, here's the template:

GitHub OIDC Roles

The role defined in this configuration may not exist yet. This role will be created by the given ecs-service component with the GitHub OIDC mixin. Once completing the Deploy the Example App ECS Service step, please verify this role is correct.

Copy, paste, and edit this in ./.github/environments/ecspresso.yaml

name: 'Environments'
description: 'Get information about cluster'
description: "Environment name"
required: true
description: "Namespace name"
required: true
description: "Repository name"
required: false
description: "Application name"
required: false
description: "Comma separated attributes"
required: false
description: "Environment name"
value: ${{ }}
description: "AWS Region"
value: ${{ steps.result.outputs.region }}
description: "IAM Role"
value: ${{ steps.result.outputs.role }}
description: "Cluster"
value: ${{ steps.result.outputs.cluster }}
description: "Namespace"
value: ${{ steps.result.outputs.namespace }}
description: "SSM path"
value: ${{ steps.result.outputs.ssm-path }}
description: "S3 Bucket name"
value: ${{ steps.result.outputs.s3-bucket }}
description: "AWS account id"
value: ${{ }}
description: "Stage name"
value: ${{ steps.result.outputs.stage }}
using: "composite"
- uses: cloudposse/github-action-yaml-config-query@0.1.0
id: suffix
query: .${{ inputs.application == '' }}
config: |
suffix: ${{ inputs.repository }}
suffix: ${{ inputs.repository }}-${{ inputs.application }}

- uses: cloudposse/github-action-yaml-config-query@0.1.0
id: result
query: .${{ inputs.environment }}
config: |
cluster: acme-plat-${{ steps.region.outputs.result }}-dev-ecs-platform
name: acme-plat-${{ steps.region.outputs.result }}-dev-${{ }}-qa1
role: arn:aws:iam::101010101010:role/acme-plat-${{ steps.region.outputs.result }}-dev-${{ }}-qa1
ssm-path: /ecs-service/${{ }}/url/0
region: us-east-1
cluster: acme-plat-${{ steps.region.outputs.result }}-dev-ecs-platform
name: acme-plat-${{ steps.region.outputs.result }}-dev-${{ }}-qa2
role: arn:aws:iam::101010101010:role/acme-plat-${{ steps.region.outputs.result }}-dev-${{ }}-qa2
ssm-path: /ecs-service/${{ }}/url/0
region: us-east-1
cluster: acme-plat-use1-dev-ecs-platform
name: acme-plat-use1-dev-${{ steps.suffix.outputs.suffix }}
role: arn:aws:iam::101010101010:role/acme-plat-use1-dev-${{ steps.suffix.outputs.suffix }}
ssm-path: /ecs-service/${{ steps.suffix.outputs.suffix }}/url/0
region: us-east-1
s3-bucket: acme-plat-use1-dev-ecs-tasks-mirror
aws-account-id: 101010101010
stage: dev
cluster: acme-plat-use1-prod-ecs-platform
name: acme-plat-use1-prod-${{ steps.suffix.outputs.suffix }}
role: arn:aws:iam::202020202020:role/acme-plat-use1-prod-${{ steps.suffix.outputs.suffix }}
ssm-path: /ecs-service/${{ steps.suffix.outputs.suffix }}/url/0
region: us-east-1
s3-bucket: acme-plat-use1-prod-ecs-tasks-mirror
aws-account-id: 202020202020
stage: prod
cluster: acme-plat-use1-sandbox-ecs-platform
name: acme-plat-use1-sandbox-${{ steps.suffix.outputs.suffix }}
role: arn:aws:iam::303030303030:role/acme-plat-use1-sandbox-${{ steps.suffix.outputs.suffix }}
ssm-path: /ecs-service/${{ steps.suffix.outputs.suffix }}/url/0
region: us-east-1
s3-bucket: acme-plat-use1-sandbox-ecs-tasks-mirror
aws-account-id: 303030303030
stage: sandbox
cluster: acme-plat-use1-staging-ecs-platform
name: acme-plat-use1-staging-${{ steps.suffix.outputs.suffix }}
role: arn:aws:iam::404040404040:role/acme-plat-use1-staging-${{ steps.suffix.outputs.suffix }}
ssm-path: /ecs-service/${{ steps.suffix.outputs.suffix }}/url/0
region: us-east-1
s3-bucket: acme-plat-use1-staging-ecs-tasks-mirror
aws-account-id: 404040404040
stage: staging

Then the Example App, verify that the target environment is correct. This should be in the .github/configs/environment.yaml file in Example App repository.

## file: .github/configs/environment.yaml

# assumes the same organization
environment-info-repo: infrastructure
implementation_path: .github/environments
implementation_file: ecspresso.yaml
implementation_ref: main

0 Create a GitHub PAT

Customer Requirement

This step requires access to the GitHub Organization. Customers will need to create this PAT in Jumpstart engagements.

In order for the Example App workflows to read the private environment configuration, we need to pass a token to the Composite Action.

  1. Create a fine-grained PAT. Please see Creating a fine-grained personal access token.
  2. Name this PAT whatever you would like. We recommend calling it PRIVATE_CONFIG_READ_ACCESS
  3. Grant this PAT read permission on the acme/infra-acme repository:
    + Contents: Read-only
    + Metadata: Read-only
  4. Upload this PAT to 1Password, and Cloud Posse will add it as a GitHub repository secret. Or you can create an organization secret now that you can reuse in future application repositories.

0 Add the Example App Secrets

The GitHub Action workflows expect a few GitHub Secrets to exist to build images in AWS ECR. Add each of the following secrets to the Example App repository:

This is the PAT we created above in Create a GitHub PAT.
This is your ECR Registry, such as
This is the AWS region where the ecr component is deployed. For example, us-east-1

This is the GitHub OIDC role created by the ecr component for accessing the registry. For this organization, this would be arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/acme-core-use1-artifacts-ecr-gha. Verify this value by checking the output of the ecr component.


This is a random string used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive image names and tags. This can be anything.

For example, generate this with the following:

openssl rand -base64 24

0 Deploy the Example App ECS Service

Ensure you have stacks configured for the Example App in every stage of your platform.

Initial Build Image

This task definition uses the latest ECR image for the Example App, which is built by the CI steps of the release pipelines. However, that step hasn't been run yet!

You will need to first trigger the main-branch CI steps for the Example App, ignore the failure in the deploy step, and then deploy these components.

Catalog entry for the Example App
- catalog/ecs-services/defaults

component: ecs-service
- ecs-services/defaults
name: example-app-on-ecs
ssm_enabled: true
github_actions_iam_role_enabled: true
github_actions_iam_role_attributes: [ "gha" ]
github_actions_ecspresso_enabled: true
- acme/example-app-on-ecs
cluster_attributes: [platform]
alb_configuration: "private"
use_lb: true
- "/"
- "/dashboard"
name: app
logDriver: awslogs
options: {}
- containerPort: 8080
hostPort: 8080
protocol: tcp
desired_count: 1
task_memory: 512
task_cpu: 256
ignore_changes_desired_count: true
ignore_changes_task_definition: true

Apply this component with the following:

atmos workflow deploy/app-on-ecs -f app-on-ecs

Triggering Workflows

Now that all requirements are in place, validate all workflows.

  1. Clone the Example App locally

    git clone
  2. Change the demo color in main.go

    func main() {
    c := os.Getenv("COLOR")
    if len(c) == 0 {
    c = "red" // change this color to something else, such as "blue"
  3. Create a Pull Request

    Creating a PR will trigger the CI build and test workflows and the QA cleanup workflows. Ensure these all pass successfully.

  4. Add the deploy/qa1 label

    Adding this label will kick-off a new workflow to build and test once again and then deploy to the qa1 environment. Ensure this workflow passes successfully and then validate the "Deployment URL" returned.

    Private Endpoints:

    Private endpoints require the VPN. If you're deploying a private endpoint, connect to the VPN in order to access the deployment URL.

  5. Merge the Pull Request

    Merging the PR will trigger two different workflows. The Feature Branch workflow will be triggered to clean up and release the QA environment, and the Main Branch workflow will be triggered to deploy to dev and draft a release. Once both workflows pass, check that the QA environment is no longer active and then validate the dev URL. Finally, make sure a draft release was successfully created.

  6. Publish a Release

    Using the draft release created by the Main Branch workflow, click Edit and then Publish. This will kick off the Release workflow and deploy to staging and then to prod. Once this workflow finishes, validate both endpoints.

Next Steps

Workflows with ecspresso and workflow prefixes should be moved to a shared workflow repository that can be used by the rest of your organization.


Adding Additional Applications

This setup is a one time setup. You can add as many applications as you want to your platform. You can also add as many environments as you want to your platform.

To add additional applications:

  1. Ensure the ecspresso and workflow prefixes are moved to a shared workflow repository that can be used by the rest of your organization.
  2. Create a new repository from one of the example app templates.
  3. Create your Example app Configuration file in the new repository.
  4. Ensure your infrastructure is deployed.
